Saturday, May 10, 2014

Psalm 45
This psalm is a wedding song and gives us a glimpse of the bride of Christ in the millennial kingdom and the eternal kingdom.  We can relate this entire psalm to the marriage relationship between Believers and Jesus.  The word daughter can be prophetic of the tribes, the sons of Jacob and the virgin companions who follow her can be prophetic of the Gentiles.   It also is a prophetic look at the King of Kings as he rides victoriously.

Psalm 47
Psalm 47 is rather noisy with lots of clapping, shouting with cries of joy, trumpets, singing praises, etc. The prospect of the universal reign of Jesus as king of kings is certainly worthy of that much noise!

Psalm 87
It is obvious in this psalm that God has expressed a particular affection for Jerusalem because there He met and conversed with His people and showed them the great tokens of His favor.
Rahab is mentioned in this psalm and is a poetic name for Egypt.  However, it means so much more than that.  The root word means pride and is often used as another name for Lucifer or Satan.

Psalm 110
The Messiah, Jesus was promised to the people of the Old Testament.  They expected His coming.
Ps 110:1
The LORD says to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet."
In this verse we again have two different words for Lord. LORD refers to God the Father while Lord refers to God the Son. Substituting God and Jesus, the verse would read this way.
"God says to Jesus: "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.""
Jesus Himself quoted this verse in Matt 22:42-45 where He was speaking to the Pharisees. They acknowledged that the Messiah would be the son of David (Jesus was from the lineage of David). Jesus quoted this verse to show them that He was a son of David and also the Son of God as Messiah. Mark records that the crowd listened to Him with delight. It seems that the crowd understood what the Pharisees refused to understand. Could it be that they accepted Jesus' words with the faith of little children and the Pharisees carried around too much theological "baggage"?

How is it with us as Believers, do we carry around too much theological baggage or do we accept Jesus' words with the faith of little children?

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