Sunday, January 22, 2012

Moses was a "fine child". KJV says he was a "goodly" child. Was he one of those "easy" babies who don't cry very often? Is so, it would be easier to hide him, at least for the first few months.

Notice the verse about Pharaoh ordering that all baby boys be thrown into the Nile. Moses' mother was obedient to the order. She did add a little detail however when she placed him in a basket first. When Moses was found by Pharaoh’s daughter, she gave him back to his mother to take care of him, and not only take care of him, but she paid Moses’ mother to do it! Isn’t it just like God? He does more for us than we could ever imagine!

How did Pharaoh's daughter know Moses was a Hebrew baby? Could it be because he was circumcised?

The angel of the Lord appeared to Moses from within a bush. God spoke to Moses from within the bush. Can we connect some dots here???

Our granddaughter, age 5 when retelling this story, related that God told Moses to take off his sandals because they were on fire.

God asked Moses to go to Egypt to bring the Israelites out. Moses offered up:
1. Moses: "Who am I that I should go?"
God: "I will go with you."
2. Moses: "What is your name?"
God: "I AM."
3. Moses: "What if they don't believe me?"
God: "You will show them signs and wonders."
4. Moses: "I don't speak very well."
God: "I will help you speak."
5. Moses’ fifth excuse as to why he couldn’t go was “O Lord, please send someone else to do it.”

At this final excuse, the Lord's anger burned against Moses and so God says He will send Moses' brother Aaron. Interestingly, Aaron was already on his way.

Pay very close attention to the staff that is mentioned over the next few days' readings. There is great significance to this staff.

God also told Moses that He would harden Pharaoh's heart. But we find out later that there is a reason for this hardening of the heart. God gave Moses the entire plan.

Going back to Moses' excuses, can we draw some conclusions concerning ourselves? How often have all of us offered up the same or similar excuses when God calls us to do His work?

We must remember that God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called!

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