Wednesday, March 7, 2012

As the people prepare to go into the land of Caanan, God through Moses, renews His covenant with His people. There are multiple blessings if they obey and multiple curses if they don't. Look again at Leviticus 26:14-42 from yesterday's reading. Notice the progression of the punishment for their disobedience. Each stage of punishment gets worse than the one before ranging from diseases to hunger so intense that the people resort to eating their children. Finally, their punishment reaches a crescendo when the people no longer have peace. They live with an anxious mind and are in constant suspense, fearful of even a "windblown leaf". (Lev. 26:36)

And then Moses reminds the people of all that God has done for them. He reminds them that God sets before them "life and prosperity, death and destruction". (Deut. 30:15)

The people are reminded to be cautious in turning to the right or to the left following other gods and serving them. Good advice for all of us today as well. There will always be something on each side for us to follow after instead of keeping our focus on Him.

Have you ever really thought about the verse, “Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach.”?

God never asks us to do anything that is beyond our capabilities. He does set a very high standard though doesn’t He? Sometimes we may think it is insurmountable but He promises us that it isn’t. Why?
“…the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it.”

How do we get the word in our mouth and in our heart? Would that be possible if we only spend a few minutes each week listening to a sermon? Or if we only spend a few minutes each week in prayer? Or if we only spend a few minutes each week in any kind of daily devotional? Or if we only spend a few minutes each week reading His Word?

I don’t think so!

Thursday night Bible study is ongoing. Also weekly Wednesday Worship Home Group, monthly Discussion Sessions, and monthly Prayer Sessions.

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