Thursday, December 5, 2013

“…we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”When faced with temptation, it’s nice to have a Bible verse to quote in order to take every thought captive. Because we will be judged for every careless word we've ever spoken.

Many people said that Paul's letters were weighty and forceful but in person he was unimpressive. It seems that Paul was forceful in his letters. People read them, had time to digest them so that by the time Paul visited these people, there was no need for him to be forceful.

Paul had some strong words to say, “When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves to themselves, they are not wise.”
Would this be ego-mania to the max!?!

“…for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light”Satan will use any means possible, including passing himself off as God, using both subtle and blatant means. He is the great deceiver. Satan is not omnipresent. He can’t make us do anything. Don’t give him too much credit.

Notice all the sufferings Paul lists. With all the punishment his body received, he probably never fully recovered from any of them. Can you imagine suffering without pain medication or the comfort of our homes and people to take care of us? Being a Christian does not guarantee a “cushy” life. Paul seemed to relate that the physical pain he endured was nothing compared to his concern for the spiritual.

“…caught up to the third heaven…”Many think that this happened during the three days after Paul’s conversion experience while he was blinded. The first heaven contains clouds and air. The second heaven contains stars and sky. The third heaven is where God lives, where His glory shines. See the firmament in Genesis.
The natural response to this experience would be pride. No one else experienced this so Paul was given a thorn in the flesh. Any handicap we might live with can be our "thorn in the flesh". Satan wanted this to turn Paul. God wanted to humble Paul. Pride doesn’t usually exist in people of pain. It is not always God's will to keep us from pain and pressure. Remember that suffering is not new. Pride comes with achievement. Contentment does not require comfort.

“…a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.”Many scholars have done extensive research to discover what this “thorn” in the flesh was and no one can say for sure. But whatever it is, the most important thing is that Paul accepts this and even boasts about this weakness. Rejoice and be glad to be found worthy to suffer for the cause of Christ.

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