Sunday, November 24, 2013

The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.” Previous to that they were called “Followers of The Way”. We read a book called "The Ways of the Way" by Bob Fisher, a Messianic Jew from Israel. It gives details about the early church and how we can apply their "ways" to our worship services today.  It is this model on which we base Wednesday Worship.

Cornelius, the centurion was told by the angel, "Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God." This is exactly how we should view all our good works - as offerings to the Lord, not as something to make us feel good.

When the Holy Spirit came to those people gathered with Cornelius, Peter spoke these words, "Can anyone keep these people from being baptized with water? They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have."
These words tell us that they had already received (or were baptized into) the Holy Spirit before they were baptized in water. Peter makes sure that they understand that the water baptism is their outward demonstration to others. Remember they were witnessing to the Gentiles.

Antioch was the third largest city in the Roman world. The first Gentile church was founded there. It was also the center of worship for several pagan cults that promoted sexual immorality. Antioch was a vital commercial center. Paul used Antioch as his home base during his missionary journeys.

Fascinating story of Peter’s rescue from prison by the angel. Someone once said, “Prayer moves angels.” God certainly overrides the natural order of things. When Rhoda announces that Peter is at the door, the people said, "It must be his angel." Do our guardian angels look like us?  Our little 3-year old grandson thinks so.

Notice the way that Herod died. Usually flesh is eaten by worms after death. In this case Herod was eaten by worms first, and then he died. As our granddaughter, Kylie might say, “Gross!”

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