Sunday, June 23, 2013

Did we say that we were going deep-sea diving? Oh, so much to say! 

There are so many connections literally to our world today and so many connections spiritually in many of the religious establishments today.

While Isaiah condemned Judaism in his day, he also condemns the apostate church today. Yet, in keeping with the message of the prophets, Isaiah too tells us to repent, be renewed and rejoice that we’ve been redeemed.  The Savior has come and He's coming again.

Isaiah gives a very descriptive image in the PARABLE OF THE VINEYARD. As the church we are responsible for bearing a crop of good fruit. God has given us everything we need to produce this good crop, and yet too often bad fruit is the result. Meaningless rituals, empty offerings are wearisome to the Lord. Look what God says that He will do
Isa 5:5-6
Now I will tell you what I am going to do to my vineyard: I will take away its hedge, and it will be destroyed; I will break down its wall, and it will be trampled. I will make it a wasteland, neither pruned nor cultivated, and briers and thorns will grow there. I will command the clouds not to rain on it."
Sounds like Hosea who spoke of “…like poisonous weeds in a plowed field,” and “Thorns and thistles will grow up and cover their altars.”

And who does He call to account for the ruin of His vineyard? It tells us in Isaiah 3. It is the guides, elders and leaders of the people.  The leaders have ruined the vineyard.  They plunder, crush, and grind the people.  Sounds a bit like bad shepherds or hired hands.  In Isaiah 5 "the great houses will become desolate". Europe has many great cathedrals that sit empty.
The people do not escape His accounting either. God calls the people to account for their sins of idolatry, pride, greed, revelry, arrogance, rationalization, drunkenness and injustice.  

In SIN OF RELIGIOUS FORMALISM Isaiah mentions "...your appointed feasts, my soul hates..."  These would be the feasts and festivals that were not God-ordained but pagan.  God warns that if the people continue in this sin, "When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you; even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen."
Very sobering words for us today.   If my people... We must humble ourselves, repent, turn, and seek His face, and pray.  Only then will He listen and hear our prayers.

Isaiah points out that the faithful city (Jerusalem) had become a harlot where once righteousness dwelt. Interestingly, Melchizedek was called King of Righteousness and He dwelt in Jerusalem.  Sounds like He no longer dwells there.
Isaiah gives a descriptive depiction of the false church in Isaiah 3:16-26.

The promise of restoration for Judah, for the church today, for us as individuals is found in the following:
Isa 1:26b
Afterward you will be called the City of Righteousness, the Faithful City."
We have the responsibility as the Christian church and as Believers in Jesus Christ to be a fruitful vineyard, producing good and abundant fruit. He has given us everything we need. What good fruit are we as Believers producing?

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