Sunday, May 26, 2013

Song of Songs – oh what poem – a masterpiece illustrating romance in marriage and passion in holiness. It is a wedding song written by King Solomon which features a love dialogue between a simple maiden and her husband. Interestingly, many Jewish boys are not allowed to read this poem.

One of the several warnings is found in Chapter 2 concerning becoming sexually stimulated too soon.
Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.
This should be done within the bounds of true love in marriage. 

A lengthy book could be written on the practical applications of this poem. Here are a few insights.

Even though some of the words used in the poem may seem strange to us, it is the romance of words that can enhance any marriage.

When you love someone you are concerned for that person’s health, comfort, and safety.
Unresolved conflicts can ruin a relationship. Little problems (little foxes) can disturb or even destroy a relationship.

Partners in marriage should continually refresh each other (encouraging words, unexpected gifts, surprise phone calls, e-mails, or cards, etc.) Marriage should be a haven of refreshment because the rest of the world isn’t.

Romance keeps a marriage interesting. Maintain marriage daily.

Marriage grows and matures but not without problems. As time passes passion looses its spark. Conflicts and pressures creep in causing tenderness to wane. Intimacy can be renewed and regenerated if we take time to remember and talk about those first thrills.

In a healthy marriage spouses are also good friends.

Strive to make love of spouse a reflection of the perfect love that comes from God.

Tall order? Maybe so, but with two working together...and God in the center...

While this poem can be full of words that enhance marriage, they can also be applied to Jesus and His bride (as we applied Proverbs 31 earlier). 

Whatever others may think of us as the Bride of Christ, we are beautiful in His eyes, not in external beauty but in the beauty of holiness,as seen through the blood of Christ. His covenant continues firm, and true believers may always say, “I am His and He is mine.” As Believers in Jesus, the Bride of Christ, we should desire constant intimacy with Him. Amen???

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