Wednesday, November 3, 2010

In the summer of 2005 we were able to visit this place, Caesarea Philippi. See the website study G.A.T.E.
It is here that Jesus asks the question of a lifetime. “Who do you say that I am?”
Our entire destiny depends on how we answer that question.

Matt 16:18
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
To better understand this passage we must look at the Greek words and their meanings.
Peter (petros- a piece of a rock) rock (Petra – a mass of rock) When Jesus says He will build His church on this rock, He is speaking of Himself (Jesus) as the foundation. Jesus is saying that Peter is a part – a piece of the rock.

Peter rebukes Jesus telling Him that His crucifixion will never take place. John Wesley says that this was the deadliest advice that could ever be given. If Jesus had not gone to the cross, where would we be?

Jesus says that some of them will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God come in power. He is telling them that some of them will see Him transfigured. John got a “double dose”, once on the mountain and once on the Isle of Patmos.

In the epileptic boy episode, we can see a micro model of Satan and his inter action and demise in the world.

This was immediately following the transfiguration. Scripture says the people were overwhelmed with wonder when they saw Jesus. Why? Could it be that He still glowed somewhat from the transfiguration? Remember Moses’ face when he came down from the mountain?

The man who brought his son to have demons cast out, told Jesus that the disciples had tried and could not drive the demon out. Was it the man’s lack of faith that may have contributed to the failure? He asked Jesus, “… if you can do anything…”
Jesus responds with, “If you can?”
When Jesus rebukes the evil spirit he commands it to come out and never enter again. The spirit shrieks and convulses the body before it comes out. If we compare this to Satan’s reign on earth, he knows he has been defeated, but he is convulsing us now. He will shriek at the end!

Jesus tells the disciples that they were not able to drive out the spirit because they have so little faith. And these were His disciples! They had seen Him perform many signs and wonders. Was it their lack of faith in Jesus or their lack of faith in God’s ability to work through them? They had been given the power but maybe they had turned the spigot off. Or were they trying to do it in their own strength.

Jesus tells the disciples they should become like little children, with a childlike innocence, to believe without question.

“See that you do not look down on one of these little ones…”
How little is little? Is it as little as two cells at conception?

“thrown into hell, where their worm does not die…”
Hell in this instance is the Valley of Hinnom, ghenna, a valley outside Jerusalem where garbage is burned. The fire never goes out. It smolders and burns all the time. Worm here means grub, maggot, earthworm, all those things that go along with dead, rotten things.

“Everyone will be salted with fire.”
Everyone will be salted. Will we be salted in hell’s fire and make it burn better or will we be salted with His Divine grace?
Fire is brought into our lives to make them better. It stings and smarts but it often takes us in a new and better direction.

Jesus explains about the testimony of two or three witnesses. This is important when studying the Bible as well. Check scripture to see if it confirms itself.

Jesus explains to Peter about forgiveness. This was a whole new concept for Peter. How about all of us Christians? Do we have a handle on the importance of forgiveness? It isn't always easy is it?

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